The last project meeting of the MIMESIS project took place on 4-5. June 2019 in Skien, Norway, where EFD Induction is based. The final meeting was embedded into an international workshop “Workshop on Mathematics and Materials Science for Steel Production and Manufacturing”.Therefore, several well-known experts in the research area of […]

The close collaboration between Materials Science and Mathematics within the MIMESIS project has made another step forward after the successful conclusion of the three months training in Metallurgy of Steels and Metals and Process Metallurgy at the University of Oulu, Finland. Guided by Prof. David Porter and the Materials Engineering […]
MIMESIS training in Materials Science at University Oulu

Within the MIMESIS project, an intensive training course on Finite element simulation of multi-field problems took place during the month May, June and July 2016. All Early Stage Researchers spent three month at Weierstrass Institute, Berlin. In addition, during these three month, soft-skill seminars on Time- and Self-management and Presentation […]