On Wednesday, 30th October, I had the pleasure to present the results of
my project during my PhD defence at the Weierstrass Institute. The oral
presentation consisted of two parts: a 30-min part on a mathematical
topic of general interest and 10 minutes on my thesis, which is quite
short to relate the work of more than 3 years on the project! This is
the typical procedure for a PhD defence at the Mathematics and
Informatic department at the FU Berlin. The preparation was quite
challenging: working on a new subject in a short period of time (Machine
Learning applied to the steel industry) and summarizing the main results
of the thesis in 10 minutes.
Nevertheless, it was an exciting event and I was glad to welcome my
colleagues and friends and my family, and to answer the questions of the
commission members (whom I thank very much for their presence).
The best moment was for sure the meal after the event: nothing better
than nice things to eat and drink to reward everyone for their
involvment =).
Najib Alia